賽馬會浩觀青少年創業培訓計劃:STEP Seven 公司參觀

報名期限: 2021-06-25

Important remark:

(1) 如成功獲以上活動取錄,並發現活動日期與試後活動及/或假期補課等學校安排相撞,務必預先連同家長信及活動確認信交校方申請,並等待審批。試後活動請假交訓導處;假期補課請假信交科任老師。

Students have to submit parents’ letter with activity confirmation letter to school in advance, if the activity clashes with Post-exam Activity and/or holiday supplementary class(es). Exemption of post-exam activity should be submitted to Discipline Committee and exemption of holiday supplementary class(es) should be submitted to subject teacher(s).

(2) 如以上活動與校內其他活動相撞,學生必須事先連同家長信及面試確認信向校內活動負責老師申請請假。

Students have to submit parents’ letter with activity confirmation letter to Person-in-charge of school activity, if the activity clashes with other school event/activity.
2020/21 STEP Seven 公司參觀 Company Visit

STEP Seven 公司參觀希望帶到具創新性的公司參觀,了解科技如何改變未來職場的工作環境及工作模式。你可以接觸企業的代表了解行業的最新發展、作為員工的日常、公司文化、進入相關行業所需技能等。

In the Company Visit, students will have the opportunity to visit startups and corporates showcasing the essence of “Future of Work” and how the need for entrepreneurial mindsets to lead the digital transformation. Throughout the visit, students would have the opportunity to get to know about what is the day of life working in the industry, how is the technology currently disrupting the industry, what they are looking for in the talent they would like to recruit for, so they can better equip for their career path and start exploring potential different opportunities.

公司參觀共分以下7個時段 Company Visit has a total of 7 sessions:
– 12 July 2021 2:30-4:30pm HSBC 香港上海滙豐銀行 (網上進行 Online)
了解如何金融行業如何隨著科技而轉變 Understand how does technology disrupt the Financial industry

– 12 July 2021 2:30-4:30pm The Mills Fabrica 南豐紗廠 (實體進行 Physical)
了解科技如何改變時裝行業,令時裝行業變得更可持續發展 Understand how does technology disrupt the fashion industry and make it to be more sustainable

– 13 July 2021 2:30-4:00pm Farfetch (實體進行 Physcial)
了解科技如何改變營銷模式,如何從實體銷售轉型為網上營銷 Understand how does technology change the retail industry into a e-commerce industry

– 13 July 2021 2:30-4:00pm Sino Inno Lab 信和創意研發室 (實體進行)
了解科技如何提升生活質素,認識各種智能家居的科技 Understand how technology can improve living standard and smart living devices

– 14 July 2021 10:00am-12:00pm Telsa (實體進行)
了解如何用創新的能源應用到汽車行業上,認識最大的電動氣車品牌 Understand how innovate energy can be applied onto the automobile industry

– – 14 July 2021 2:30pm-4:30pm Telsa (實體進行)
了解如何用創新的能源應用到汽車行業上,認識最大的電動氣車品牌 Understand how innovate energy can be applied onto the automobile industry

– 14 July 2021 2:30-4:00pm Sino Inno Lab 信和創意研發室 (實體進行)
了解科技如何提升生活質素,認識各種智能家居的科技 Understand how technology can improve living standard and smart living devices

Each of the company visit session has a limited quota, and each session will be of a first come first serve basis.
Please fill in the form on or before 25th June to confirm you attendance.