- Girls do better than boys
- Media censorship in necessary
- Can charging ambulance service reduce the abuse of emergency services
- Should physical education be compulsory or not
- The advantages and disadvantages of stress
- Would IT technology widen the wealth gap between the poor and the rich
- Tertiary education is the key to success
- Communism and democracy
- Do you agree advance technology brings serious pollution
- The university proposed setting up a pub inside the campus. Do you support
- All science investigation with stem cells should be allowed
- Mercy killing should be legalized
- The government should prohibit parents leaving children alone at home
- Can setting minimum wage help the poor
- Is surrogacy morally acceptable
- Should HKU increase no. of overseas student
- Can setting minimum help the poor
- Do you think the government should change the small house policy and reclaim those lands for redevelopment?
- 香港學童前往內地升學的好處與壞處
- 你對於在尖沙咀的行人專用區有什麼看法
Interview Question Bank 面試問題庫
- 完成課程後,你想繼續讀書還是工作?如讀書,想讀什麼課程?
- 為何選這科?
- 你對香港航空業有何看法?
- 航空業有什麼職業?
- 航空學的課程內容
- 可如何解決第3條跑道停機位不足之問題?
- What is your first choice? Apart from first choice, which major do you want to study most?
- Are there any ECA or books which can help you study this subject?
- What you think the importance of English in studying this major?
- 大學以廣東話作教學語言是否適合?(in English)
- Government should increase public housing. Discuss
- How Hong Kong is attractive to tourists?
- What are the characteristics of good leadership?
- Hong Kong air conditioning is too cold. Discuss
- Where should remedial schools for drug abuser be located?
- Prepare a market promotional plan for Ocean Park.
- Decide a promotion for Wellcome supermarket.
- Why apple is so successful?
- Should Hong Kong Government sponsor the Asian Games?
- Should plastic bag levy be abolished or increased?
- Facing the competition from Beijing and Shanghai, how should HK position itself?
- What do you think students can benefit from university’s learning environment?
- State 3 important activities that should be included in your 4-year university life.
- Do you think uber can be run in Hong Kong legally?
- Write a marketing proposal for pizza hut.
- Write a marketing proposal for wellcome.
- Do you think we should levy extra tax on the rich?
- Discussion about smart city
- 如何令老人家更了解社交媒體
- 小組討論:關於香港人對內地人既偏見
- 評論英國脫歐/UK is leaving the EU, discuss about the Brexit
- Will Hong Kong be a cashless city in the future 10 years?
- A 12-month marketing plan for HKTV mall
- How the aging problem affect the human resources?
- Non-register should not work in HK.
- European country economic crisis.
- If you have a chance to build a tutorial school for high school students, what will you do?
- Should the government impose taxes on unhealthy food?
- Technology worsen or greater the quality of life
- How to promote greening in Hong Kong?
- What do think about universities focusing on vocational training?
- what are the pros and cons of increasing the retirement age from 60 to 65?
- Do you think Uber services can be allowed in Hong Kong without the government permitted licences?
- Is it a need to get a 5 or above in mathematics to study in accounting?
- 創業遇到的困難及香港獨有的創業困難
- Can you predict the growth of AR and VR in the future?
- Whether traditional school can be replaced by tutorial school?
- Given a news article and ask for your opinions ie. Using your biological knowledge to suggest a way to cure ASFV
- “1.發問有關對biotechnology產品(eg. GM food)嘅認識
- Group discussion : how to promote products with $10000 budget .
- What is your interested field of investigation?
- Would you like to set up business in this field?
- Why would a successful company fails?
- Is it a must for young people to own a flat in Hong Kong.
In general
- Are you well-prepared for the university education? What are the concerns or worries? How can you solve it?
- What’s your opinion about same-sex marriage?
- What makes a successful manager?
- Self-introduction / Book introduction / Which difficulties do HK face
- 香港政府為杜絕孕婦沖急症室,減少內地孕婦來港生產的醫院位置。你是否同意?
- Do you think the Economic of Hong Kong is declivity? What should the government do for it.
- Is the development of Shanghai Theater the statement of Hong Kong is an international business centre?
- 你認為現時香港各持份者能怎樣幫助香港解決環境問題?
你贊成立法會議員拉布嗎? - 試討論一下給一瓶新出品的水命名的條件。
- 大學生活中,最需要什麼特質?
- 自己喜歡哪一個品牌
- 介紹個人作品
- What would you do to encourage your kids to love arts if you are the parent?
- (aptitude test)
1. image a living thing which is speedy.
2. Write about wake up in the morning.
Share an interesting thing that you observed - 將來的方向、行業認識
- 時事題:對政府官員潛建的看法
- Honest & Art 關係
- 中文自我介紹 -> 評賞院校提供的建築圖片
- When I become a civil engineer, I will … / Why would you choose this course?
- Self-introduction
- If you get the degree of engineering, what do you think the degree can help you in getting you a good future?
- Will Hong Kong be marginalized?
- One child policy
- Which world crisis do you think is the most important?
- What new innovation do you think is the most important?
- If you had “super power”, how would you improve the innovation?
- What is your expectation about university?
- What is your expectation about your hall life?
- What is the most creative invention in the past decade?
- What is the effect of the internet?
- What is the greatest invention in the past century?
- What is the most serious problem do you think the earth is facing?
- What do you think about university education?
- Do you want to study in a local university or an overseas one?
- Do you think you parents give you enough?
- Do you think children in Hong Kong are spoiled?
- What do you want your parent to give you?
- What do you think about the $6000 scheme?
- How to apply the engineering in the daily life?
- self interest
- Why does engineering important to Hong Kong?
- What are the elements to be an engineer?
- Face-to-face communication or communication through online platform, which one is better?
- Discuss the European migrant crisis
- 你對未來工作的考慮因素
- 情境題
- Application of EE in smart city
- How would you advise the minister of Innovation and Technology Bureau on the policy of innovation and technology at HKSAR?
- In 10 years, where do you see AI has the most effect/impact on?
- If five of you were to make an application with AI together in 10 years, where will you use the AI on?
- 你認為時下的中學生會認同通識教育的理念嗎?
- 為甚麼你會選讀通識科
- 為甚麼你會想當一個通識老師
- 分享你的看法:求學不是求分數;學生應留校午膳
- 你對新舊學制的公開考試模式分別有何看法
- (數學)是否任何三條邊都可以組成一個三角形,以自己的方法說明,可用黑板。
- 一個老師需具備什麼條件?
- Qualities needed for a teacher?
- Obstacles for Hong Kong students to learn English?
- 為甚麼你會想當一個PE老師
- 互聯網對語文學習的正面影響
- 你認為遊戲對兒童重要嗎?
- 對小學老師的印象
- 體育堂學到什麽 (限制不能提及堂上學到的技巧、體育精神及團隊精神)
- 對怪獸家長的看法
- 討論小孩被父母溺愛的看法
- 聆聽一段有關小朋友不喝水的錄音,假如你是一幼稚園老師你會怎樣做?”
- 做幼兒老師最大的困難
- 以一項物品代表自己其解釋原因,一位中文老師有何特質
- 自己那一方面相似最喜歡的作家
- 如何管理你個人的壓力或情緒
- 對課程的認知
- Is money the root of all evil?
- Apart from spending time on exam how can young people enhance their creativity?
- Which subject do you like to study? Criminal law or others?
- Which subject you want to study outside of law?
- Introduce yourself (personalities)
- Which problem in HK you think is the most important one? Are there any solutions?
- What do you want to be in the future?
- How much do you know about this programme / Hobbies / Career Plan
- Who affect you most / What is your good and bad
- Which programmes are you interested in? what book have you read recently?
- 你對現時中小學同輩暴力(語言,身體)有什麼看法?
- 你最討厭現時中文科的哪個選修單元?
- What do you want to do after graduation?
- 最喜歡的書籍
- 想去哪個國家讀書
- 對該學科的期望、自己有何優點和為何適合該學科
- Why did you choose this faculty?
- Do you know any company about this trade?
- What is the biggest challenge in this program?
- Have you ever read any medical research? What is your comment?
- If you cannot enter medicine department, which programme will you choose?
- Why do you choose medicine over nursing department?
- Have you ever visit any hospital?
- Have you been involved in any volunteer works?
- Do you know what you will do after finishing the 6-year curriculum in university?
- Studying medicine is hard, do you think you can afford the stress?
- Which do you think is more important, science or art?
- What personalities you have important to be a medical worker?
- Can you share one piece of news about medical activity? What do you think about it?
- Do you know what the opinion of the opposing group is?
- Do you think increasing the number of undergraduate in the medicine programme will result in the decline in the quality of doctors in Hong Kong?
- What example can show that you have critical thinking?
- Have you ever joined any community service?
- A 5-year-old girl needed blood transferred in order to maintain her life. However, her parents do not allow such treatment. If you were the doctor-in-charge, what would you do?
- Why do you want to study medicine in CU?
- What would you do if you encounter difficulties?
- Do you know what is medical incident?
- How to break the cycle of poverty?
- 現今流行電子教育,你認為醫療教育應電子化嗎?
- 中醫和西醫有何不同以及相同之處
- 討論本港醫療制度的不足
- 討論如何有助縮短公營醫院醫療服務輪候時間
- 對中醫前景的看法
Your grandfather is having heart disease, his doctor recommend him to instal a pacemaker in his heart, but your grandfather does not want an unnatural thing present in his heart, what will you do?
If you could choose a celebrity to be your close friend, who will you choose?
Do you think primary school students should be given homework on their free days?
People always say that “Common sense not common”, what do you think about this sentence?
What quality do you think a healthcare worker should have? Explain how you are related to these qualities
- Do you have any experience related to nursing?What will you do if a person has large blood loss?What are the consequences of having blood loss?
- (面試官示範一個模擬精神病人自殺情況,以下題目全在10分鐘內被討論)
1.這醫療事故為什麼發生?2.如何處理病人自殺的情況?3.如何避免此類型事件發生? - 現在護士行業為何嚴重缺乏人手
- 建議朋友如何處理有家人想捐贈遺體作教學用途
- 說服面試官如何讓他兒子做音樂家而非警察
- 作為領袖如何處理畢業旅行達不成共識的狀況
- 醫院病床不足是什麼原因或解決方法
- 你認為香港人快樂嗎? (IN ENGLISH)
- 什麼因素導致香港人不快樂? (IN ENGLISH)
- 你所認為的心理學是怎樣的?
- 你遇過讓你印象最深刻的人: 他/她是怎樣的?
- 你對於這個學系有什麼問題?
- 有人認為西遊記是道教小說,並有人認為是佛教,你有甚麼意見?
- 修畢此科後你打算從事甚麼職業?
- 家人得知你選讀此科有甚麼反應
- what is the most urgent problem in Hong Kong
- Which type of renewable energy would you like to promote in HK
- Which curriculum do you like? AL or DSE?
- Do you have any interesting experience about science?
- Introduce a favourite book
- Which major will you choose if you are accepted for admission?
- What do you do at leisure?
- Why are you interested in science?
- 小時候做過最頑皮的事是什麼?
- 有沒有想過天馬行空的發明?
- 如果你是將會上任的科學局局長,你會將資源投放於什麼範疇發展?(IN ENGLISH)
- 一條有關想選擇理學內的學科的知識及最近的科學發明
- 海平面上升,社會會面對咩問題,你會如何用科學的方法去解決?
- 你想選擇Science入面的甚麼major同當中的課程?
- 點解你想入讀CUHK?
- Will Hong Kong be marginalized?
- One child policy?
- Why you are interested to choose this subject?
- Share any interesting news or books related to science.
- What is your most difficult course in your high school?
- The most respectable scientist.
- What social issue in HK do you think is the most serious? How will you solve the problem?
Introduce a scientific film you have seen and what was the scientific knowledge about?
Name an equipment that the University has and how it can be solved a problem you identify.
- Can you talk about the oil spillage incident happened in the Gulf of Mexico?
- What do you think about if off-shore oil drilling should continue and whether the US government has done enough to remedy the problem?
- Talk about the recent riot in Thailand. Do you think the Thai government has done anything wrong in handling the issue? What can be done to prevent such kind of incident from happening again?
- 關於大數據的應用
- Do you think Actuarial Science is a science subject? or a business subject?
- Besides computing and management skills, what other things that you think is important to learn in the university?
- If you have a choice to work in one firm, which would you like to choose? Why? (Google, Microsoft, Intel)
In general
- If you can invent one thing, what will you invent? why?
- If offered, which programme would you prefer?
- Why do you choose our faculty? / Introduce yourself / What will you want to do after studying 4 years?
- What do you know about farensic science? / How do you estimate the number of fish in a reservoir?
- What would you usually do in your leisure time?
- Who is your favourite scientist? / Using one word to introduce your school / Why you choose our school but not the other university?
- Which major you would like to choose / 舉一宗近期令你印象深刻,有關 science 的時事
- Which major you would like to choose? / 近十年最深刻的發明 / 近幾年除了在學術上有沒有遇過困難?如何解決? / 暑假打算怎樣過?
- 有邊個科目你最不喜歡 / 有人認為讀 BBA & Engine 比 Science 賺到更多的錢,你點睇?屋企人支唔支持你讀 Science?
- Why you choose CUHK? / What’s the 4-year time you spend in university means to you?
- If you can go to an exchange tour, where would you like to go? why?
- Which major subjects are you interested in?
- Do you like mathematics?
- 在學術以外方面,你有沒有什麼煩惱?
- Have you ever heard some news about science?
- Who scientist do you like most?
- 近來生活上有什麼挑戰?
- How to deal with high pressure in the university?
- What is your expected university life?
- 你認為這科最大的困難是什麼
- Role-play (Topic: 中港融合 – roles: 上水居民、內地遊客、商戶、普通市民)
- 你有咩條件可以令我地收你入呢個HD? /開一個家長會,有12位家長,只有一位是男性,你如何令他融入,可發表自己意見? / 94年前的(Y世代)及94年後的(Z世代)分別要什麼幫助?
- 你認為現今社會工作者所遇到最大的困難是什麼? / 你是否贊成香港立法令同性戀婚姻合法化? / 如果某日你在中心看見一個小女孩在哭,你會怎安慰她?
- Introduce yourself and why you choose this school and faculty / 中大校園驗毒計劃實施的可行性
- 佔領中環行動之看法及贊成與否
- 以青少年角度討論青少年網上成癮的原因 / 以社工角度建議家長解決青少年網上成癮的可行方法
- 為甚麼你想做社工
- 為甚麼你會選港大社工系而非其他院校
- 你認為社工可以怎樣幫助別人
- 與長者溝通時,長者最需要什麼?
- 你認為如何改善年輕人與長者關係?
- 對長者而言,延長退休時間及增加生果金,哪個更適合他們?
- 你鄰居是ㄧ位老婆婆,他懷疑被子女虐打,你會如何處理?以小組形式討論並分享意見。
- 你認為什麼是「健康晚年」?(小組形式,各自發表意見)
- 在安老院有老人家失禁,你會如何處理?
- 你對援交的看法。
- 如果無法升讀大學,你有什麼打算?
- 你認為男性或是女性較適合做社工?
- 你認為男或女較能提供服務給你?試舉一例
- 假若自己是一名社工,有一位同齡的異性打算追求妳,你會怎樣做?
- 如果你有一道魔法門,你會選擇去哪裡呢?
- 以英文討論學生自殺的原因
- 假設家長會中,有12位家長,只有一位男性,你如何令他融入,可發表自己意見?
- 你對TSA有什麼看法?
- 評論香港近年來發生的政治事件
- 選一種動物形容自己
- 討論社會議題 : 香港目前最大的矛盾
- 20分鐘內設計一個為期一個暑假的活動給新移民參與
- 討論現今社會的資源分配問題、若你是政府官員你會做什麼
- 討論社工與政府之間的關係
- 你對於通識科抱有贊成還是反對的看法
- 討論香港土地問題
>>Portfolio and past attitude test<<
(For CCCMMWC Students ONLY)
- Did you visit our graduation exhibition? / What is the difference between collage and painting? / What is your hobby? / What subject will you choose if you are studying in BU?
- How to create your own art work?
- Why your art work made by this materials?
- If you need to improve your work, what should you do?
- 三位學生交換作品,互相評價及提出改善意見
- What do you know our department? What are the differences between other fine arts department and CU’s?
- 有沒有本地的藝術家是你很欣賞的? 說一位並加以解釋。(普通話)
- 你最喜歡那種藝術表達形式? (普通話)
- 簡介最近參觀的展覽
- 想成為designer或Artist?
- (設Aptitude test)問有關3個aptitude test中創作的作品
- 為何要選這科
- How to create your own art work?
- Why your art work made by this materials?
- If you need to improve your work, what should you do?
- Practical test, Brain Storming -> Creation 2hrs -> Written test -> Indivdual interview 15mins explaining your work -> What type of Artist do you want to be etc.
- English self introducation, english 互評
- 公共藝術及流行文化的關係